20 Feb

Find your magic, your superpower, your secret sauce – Free Workshop – 20th February

Find your magic, your superpower, your secret sauce - Free Workshop - 20th February


Thursday 20th February    
4:00pm - 5:00pm


Event Type

I can tell there’s something about you that’s super special. And that you can use whatever that magic is. If we can find your superpower and within your superpower, we can distil your secret sauce.
When you can productise your expertise, your magic, superpowers and secret sauce are the foundation, the fuel for the products that you’re going to make. Everyone focuses on the format for their products, but the important part is being able to package up your magic for clients in a product instead of a billable hour.
Because this is such an important part of getting ready to make products (and being able to make money out of products) I go on about this all the time.  I’m running a free hour-long workshop on Thursday, the 20th of February, at 4:00 PM (UK time) dedicated to helping you find your magic.
Come along. It could be the most important hour you’ve ever spent.
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