Notion Devotion Brighton 04


Tuesday 18th March    
6:00pm - 9:00pm


83 Queens Road, Brighton, BN1 3XE

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For our 4th outting, we’re inviting All NotionHeads, enthusiasts and the curious for an evening of mingling, talks, solutions, with tips galore. From 6-7pm we’ll kick off with some face-to-face mingling with pizza and beers (0%) for all. Before the talks, we’ll again invite everyone to share for a minute about the coolest thing they’ve done on Notion recently in our joyous Devotees Corner. Around 7pm, after a short intro and Notion News, we’ll present 3-4 15-min Talks on: Favourite Templates and Uses, Deepdives, and Great Implementations. Each Talk will include time for questions, and we’ll wrap by 8:30, after everyone’s voted on their favourite Devote Corner share, and the winner for the evening is announced!

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