09 Jun

Designing your Mid-life Reset

Designing your Mid-life Reset


Friday 9th June    
9:00am - 10:30am


PLATF9RM Brighton
Tower Point, 44 North Road, Brighton, BN1 1YR

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“We have two lives, and the second begins when we realise we only have one” – Confucius

You’ve been running 100 miles an hour trying to meet all the expectations of life. You’ve hit the peak of your career. You’ve founded a successful business. But something is still missing.

You’re feeling drained.

And you need to make a change.

But to what.

And how?

Do you throw everything out and start again?

Do you persevere? But where will that take you?

To burnout or boreout.

Something needs to change.

This sense of unfulfillment is a call to action. A call for a conscious reset.

It’s time for a midlife reset not a midlife crisis. It’s time to reassess your direction and realign your energies towards a more exciting future.

During this masterclass Laurence and Carlos will take you through a simple but profound process of navigating this tricky transition and repurposing your knowledge, skills and experience for something more fulfilling and energising.

They call it working from the inside-out.

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