Speaker Spotlight: A Chat with Matt Carey, AWS Community Builder

AWS Community Builder at Aleios, Matt Carey, spoke about building Evolutionary Architecture at a previous AWS Brighton User meetup.

We spoke to Matt following the talk to learn more about him…

Can you tell us a bit about you and the work that you do?

I am a developer and AWS Community Builder working at Aleios, a Cloud consultancy in London. I run the Serverless London Meetup, GenAI London meetup and speak about a bunch of open source projects and learnings from my client work.

What was the inspiration for your recent talk?

The talk was on some of the key pain points I have experienced during my last few client projects.

Any key highlights / takeaways for anyone who missed it?

Be careful when choosing microservice domains. An event storming workshop will be really useful. Also abstraction layers and the implications of building such layers need to be thought out ahead of time.

Did you come up through a “traditional” techie route or has your career taken twists and turns along the way?

I’m a former professional windsurfer turned mechanical engineer turned software architect so not really the usual path.

Is there a moment that helped define your career?

Building a startup with my friends back at university was the guiding push towards a career in tech. Super fun, I would definitely recommend.

What piece of advice would you give your younger self?

Probably just to build things quicker and test my ideas in production. I am a sucker for over engineering an MVP and I’ve worked alot on this the past few years.

What’s your big tech prediction for 2023?

Has to be AI having a more principle role in how we build everything. From software to hardware and scientific equipment to consumer goods. The world is changing quickly.

Silicon Brighton wouldn’t be here without people like you giving back to the community so… what does the word community mean to you?

Personally I love seeing a bunch of people in a room learning from each other and that’s why I spen alot of my time promoting free, community-run events.

Missed Matt’s talk or want to watch it again? Check it out here…