14 Sep

The 5 elements of ethical digital marketing – how to align your values with your work

The 5 elements of ethical digital marketing - how to align your values with your work


Thursday 14th September    
12:00pm - 1:00pm


Event Type

What are ethics in digital marketing? Why do we need them? Are they a help or a hindrance in getting the results you expect? Join this webinar to discover how to get better results by aligning your values with your audience’s. The bonus? You’ll be more satisfied with your work because it will reflect more of what you care about.

Let’s be clear. Digital marketing is seen by many as a dark art – the shadowy interplay of data, influence, and money. It doesn’t need to be that way.

What you’ll learn:

  • The story so far: What ethics is. How ethics differs from legal compliance – and why that matters. Why ethical digital marketing is important for brands and agencies.
  • The 5 elements of ethical digital marketing: Aligned values, business, strategy and structure. Digital and data ethics. Content accessibility and clarity. Trustworthy actions. Giving back.
  • How to get a better understanding of your own values and purpose:
    The guiding light of Ikigai
  • How you can help build a more ethical digital marketing career: The EDM community. Key skills. Expanding your influence.
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